Well, the 8th of March is one of the most popular holidays in my country (Russia). Officially we call it "The women's international day" (I'm not shure it's truly international or not, but we call it so). The task was to create some universal reels in different color solutions, to sell it to different TV-channels in different regions of Russia and even abroad (it's international, remember? ;) ). I don't like (damn, I HATE IT) the official, formal style this date ussually associates with. So, I desided to create something tender, feminine and uncommon. The end text says "Let the sun smile to you". I wish I could have these girls filmed by good camera-man, instead of still imajes, but it's really an issue to have the high-quality video in the city I live.
Pink was the first...
...then goes the orange one...
...and the last, but not the least the green one.